Friday, July 13, 2018


Being an introvert, he doesn't like social events. I do get that, 100%.

So lately, I have been caught up with thoughts on how different we actually are. Of course, as far as possible I wouldn't like nor prefer someone who is the same as me.  We'll end up being super clingy and needy at the same time.  I knows it all.

I'd have him meet my friends. After all, i'm a friends person. It really meant a lot to me when he meets my friends but clearly he lives in the other spectrum. He doesn't get why is he going for a party whom he doesn't even know whom the party belonged to.  I get that it isn't the best occasion to be at. Even challenging for him. But will there ever be a best time? He doesn't know anyone in there, why is he even there, why does he have to meet my friends. Those are our differences, heartbreakingly. I'd always thought it's a gesture of love to meet those who meant something to your partner. I'm not expecting buddies to be formed. I must wanted a link up, making acquaintance, and most importantly making his existence known to people whom i care about.

Words won't describe how these words pierced through my heart and i'm doubting my decision to force him out of his comfort zone. Already.

He said I've changed. I've used to tell him more, but no longer. Give me another 5 minutes with him and I'd guarantee a water works.  God knows how things have changed. I wouldn't stop spamming him with messages when he's unavailable. I have so so much to share and i'm elated to share with the one i love. But, obviously i felt that we no longer talk as much as the time taken to reply have prolonged, and I didn't think that he'd be interested to hear it. I don't say it but how many countless messages that I've sent through, I honestly don't even know if he read it and took it to heart cause I wasn't given a reaction for the longest time ever. So i stopped sharing things that may be irrelevant.

Is it really just my fault for changing? Deeply hurt.

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