Sunday, May 15, 2011

Learn to be grateful towards others.

I'm soooooooo going to rant about my blardy sister here!!
I'm soooo freaking totally pissed of by this woman ..
I'm sorry for being offensive, if you get offended easily, click the red "X" button up there now.

Firstly, she's idiotically FORGETFUL.
what do I mean?
She's doesnt remember how did you helped her in the past.
So as when you refuse to help her for once, and she'll go " next time don't ask me to help you".
If its the past, i'll give in to her.
But now, BLOODY NO.

I know her too well.
You help her, when you need her help, she STILL won't help you.
So I don't see the need to help her anyways.
I'm fine with helping her anytime other times.

Although I dislike making the bedsheets alot, but a few days ago I helped her to do it.
She didn't even thank me.
I lent her my phone for music, when actually I have incoming texts,
she didn't thank me.
I'm a crazy kpop fan.
I love Oh! My School. I will do everything to watch it..

It was the damn epic moment of the show.
This MORONIC sister of mine called me to go downstairs and take something for her.
Why would I do it?
Common sense.
The way she treats me, doesn't give me any reason why should I sacrifice.
For this period of time, I'm really doing my best to treat her nice and well.

Oh well.
She came back into the house scolding me "BASKET @%&#^!%$@^% "
i don't give a dam about it.
She came back with daddy and mommy.
And hell yeah.
Mummy scolded me SELFISH.
she didn't even bother to ask me what happened.
I suck.
I'm such a selfish sister that helps her to do the chores.
I'm such a selfish daughter that helps her to massage.
I'm such a selfish daughter that always do the things that sisters doesnt want to do.

this is not all. if i were to say everything out here, i doubt this post will never end.
I really do envy people with nice families.
They don't take people out on rant.
I'm the one always getting everything.
Poor academics.
poor behaviour.
poor school.
poor character.
yes i'm poor in them, aren't I a human too?

I might not be in your plans, but I believe i'm here not to suffer.
Sometimes I'm not suffering I know.
But people just think that i'm always forgiving towards you people,
meant that I'm ALWAYS forgiving.
If one day, I treat you people the way you treat me,
then I'm in fault again, right?

Everything you people reprimand me, I said it my fault.
I REALLY think its my fault.
and you will say , i'm being rebellious by saying this.
I hate people accusing me of what I didn't do,
i merely fought for my innocence,
you'll say i'm rebelling against you.
When i chose not to say anything, not to reply not to look.
Sink into my own world.
what would you say?
I'm guilty of doing it.

Thats why I chose to be together with my friends, most of the time.
And you'll say, i'm always outside, can don't return home if i don't want to.
I'm not smart.
but I'm not freaking dumb to not sense your sarcasm.
Friends were surprised that parents and family always teased that I doesn't belong to them,
I'm being adopted.
They will tell me everything that i believe other parents would hide from their children.
I don't care! Cause I'm used to it.

I'm a human!
I have feelings too.
You just don't give a damn to what I say, and what I want .

I'll be stronger.

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